Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Someone to edit the vidoes?

Hi people.

I've taken some vidoes today for Clement and Mabel's birthday. One or two of them are above 10 minutes, and I heard from someone that YouTube don't accept vidoes with platimes longer than that.

There might be other rules I'm not familiar of.

I also lack a proper YouTube account, lazy to sign up lar...

So I'm looking for kind souls whom I can pass these vidoes to so that they can be fit for uploading to YouTube.

Here are the specifications for the vidoes:

5 vidoes

1st one is 12.4MB @ 9.06 minutes

2nd one is 15.9MB @ 12.06 minutes

3rd one is 4.42MB @ 3.12 minutes

4th one is 5.43MB @ 4.43 minutes

The vidoes are also not of very good quality and very "earthquake" like. Hope someone can take over a job I'm too lazy to perform. =P Thank you very much and God Bless you all. =D

Nicholas Ngian

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